Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Beginning

For this summer, I took a position as a Fisheries Technician out of Sitka, Alaska. A year ago, the last thing I thought I'd be doing this summer would be going to Alaska, pursuing an internship directly related to my major. It has always been a dream of mine to travel to Alaska, one of the last stretches of pristine untouched wilderness. Land of grizzly bears, wolves, deer and or course, some of the most amazing fishing on the planet. My internship position title is a Fisheries Technician and I will be working alongside U.S. Forest service employees. My position description as described by the Student Conservation Association is as follows:

"Interns will serve in remote locations in southeastern Alaska as members of teams responsible for:  maintenance work at an existing anadromous fishpass site on Prince of Wales Island, fish passage remediation work on Chichagof Island, and fish population monitoring in various watersheds across the Tongass National Forest to evaluate the effects of forest management.  Work will be physically taxing and often under adverse weather conditions.  Transportation to/from base camps will be by floatplane, helicopter, and/or boat.  A week-long initial training period will include aircraft and helicopter, bear encounter safety, cold water survival and CPR and First Aid certification.  Hands-on training in construction and explosives techniques provided.  Waders, backpack, and sleeping bags provided. Require: good physical condition and health; ability to lift and carry up to 90-lb pack over slippery surfaces; alert mind; interest in habitat improvement; experience and/or education in fish identification and fish population monitoring; backcountry camping experience. Desire: knowledge of basic construction techniques; experience with hand tools; Crews MUST qualify with, carry, and be willing to use high-power rifle (no personal weapons permitted).  Must pass a drug test."

There is no doubt that when I read that description I was a bit intimidated, but at the same time I could never pas up this opportunity. I look forward to this summer and all of the challenges, surprises and new experiences that it will bring. I am still in disbelief at the fact that I am actually going to be living in Alaska for an entire summer doing exactly what I've always wanted to do. I plan on taking many photos, fly fishing as much as i can in my free time, and also trying to keep this blog up to date with everything I'm doing up here. On a last quick note: Mom, Dad, Cassie and Corey, thank you guys for the support and encouragement, even though there will be weeks when I won't be able to contact you guys, know that you'll be in my thoughts. 


  1. great job Drew on getting your blog started. It was a good way to use your time on your 4 flights! I am looking forward to reading this in the coming days....
    love you, stay safe,

  2. Hi Drew,
    That was a great start! We will pass this along. Have a safe trip and enjoy your adventure !
    Love you, Dad

  3. I miss you already! Now I will be able to read what you are up to. Have a wonderful summer and take lots of photos!
    Love, Your mother from another brother

  4. Awesome!!! What a wonderful experience this will be!!!
    Love, Gramma Leslie

  5. What a great adventure. Loooking forward to seeing pix. God bless you. Love, Grampa Merrick.

  6. How exciting, Drew! Can't wait to see your photos. By the way, don't feel obligated to take any close-up pictures of the bears. I can see that in National Geographic...just move away slowly- HA!

  7. Drew, great to see you getting into the blogging habits. hope the first year experience class can get some credit for the internship and the blogging. will look forward to reading new blog posts and seeing your reflections on what you are learning by doing.
