Friday, May 31, 2013

Leaving Sitka: May 31, 2013

Well, my time here in Sitka is coming to an end today. I fly down south to Craig, AK on Prince of Whales Island for the next month before I leave for Petersburg. This last week has consisted of the rest of my training and of course some more fishing. Boat safety, bear safety, and rifle safety and qualification are just a few of the things i've spent the last week doing. The coolest thing by far was the rifle qualifying. For that we were required to shoot .375cal. Holland&Holland bolt action rifles at 3 different targets of bears at three different distances. There was a limit of ten seconds to get the rifle from slung over your shoulder to firing 3 accurate shots, and hitting a specific area on the target. Very fun gun to shoot. I've got a picture of one of the bullets below.

After I fly down to Craig today I will be moving all of my gear into the bunkhouse i'll be living in there and tomorrow I head out into the woods for 12 days to work on a fish-pass on Sunny Creek. I'll be doing rebar and concrete work as well as drilling rock with a Pionjar rock drill (essentially a jackhammer that rotates). The weather looks great for up here, mid 50s with a mix of showers and sun. I'm really looking forward to getting some work done and just getting out into the woods, and sleeping out of a tent.
Its a little bittersweet to be leaving Sitka. It really is a great town that I wish I could've spent some more time in. I'll definitely miss my bunkmates and the people I've been living and working with over the last couple weeks, but I am really excited to be experiencing different parts of southeast Alaska. Many more pictures to come next time.
Picture above is of 9 bald eagles in one tree from last night. Quite a sight for my last night in Sitka.

1 comment:

  1. I guess if you need to stop a bear that round should work, 9 eagles in one tree very cool!
